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    Services or Offerings?
    Access-A-Ride, Parking Permits, Tax Exemption

    Adopt a pet from our humane society.

    Adopt a park, median, or area of the city.

    Register for a class provided through the library

    Apply for affordable housing within City of Professional Services Limits

    Submit a general application for a city job opening.

    The City of Professional Services, along with other public agencies, solicits bids from businesses for various goods and services.

    Request a certified birth or death record

    Reserve a city space for an event.

    Request a building inspection.

    Pay a fee for a permit through the department of parks and recreation.

    Pay a water or power bill

    Find out when your designated trash, recycling, and yard waste collection days are.

    Request garbage collection

    Request removal of graffiti on a public building.