Student Survey Review Data Analysis

What Is It?

Through the CBSB LMS, instructors have the option to send a survey to their students at the end of the semester. CBSB IT will evaluate the data and present it to the instructor. This is a helpful way for the instructor to gain feedback without having to analyze data and while keeping students anonymous. Instructors are required to set up their own survey within the LMS.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Instructors, course coordinators, and department heads.

Where Can I Get It?

Click the "Request Student Survey Data Analysis" button on this page.

How Do I Use It?

For instructions on creating a survey in the LMS, see this knowledge article. It also includes instructions on how to extract the data as a .csv file, which is what you will need to attach to this request for CBSB IT to perform analysis.

How Much Does It Cost?

There is no fee associated with this service.

Request Student Survey Data Analysis

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