Honors and Scholars ePortfolio Creation

What Is It?

An ePortfolio is a great way for Honors and Scholars students to showcase their studies and college experience. It shows your progress, including your grades, internships, volunteer projects, scholarships, and extracurricular activities, and is a great way to give a future employer a detailed inventory of what you have to contribute. CBSB creates ePortfolio accounts on a request basis.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Undergraduate and graduate students of CBSB.

Where Can I Get It?

Click the "Request ePortfolio Access" button in the upper right.

How Do I Use It?

All ePortfolios are based on a template, so there is limited chance for making errors or having issues, but you can still customize your ePortfolio and make it your own. See this knowledge article for how to use ePortfolio and see this ePortfolio as an example.

How Much Does It Cost?

There is no fee associated with this service.

Request ePortfolio Access.

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