Institutional Data Policy

What Is It?

Caitlin Baer Sandbox has an Institutional Data Policy that classifies each piece of data that may be affiliated with the Sandbox. These classifications are based on security. For example, SSNs are at the highest tier classification in the IDP, and first names are at the lowest tier. For a full list of frequently classified data and what classification they fall into, see this knowledge article. Data classifications determine what steps need to be taken to protect data. E.g. you are not permitted to store the highest tier of classified data on a personal flash drive, but this is okay for the lowest tier classification.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

The Institutional Data Policy applies to anyone who is affiliated with the Sandbox or who has data belonging to the Sandbox.

Where Can I Get It?

If you have questions about data classification, click "Request Help" in the upper right.

How Do I Use It?

To see the considerations you should make when classifying data, see this knowledge article.

How Much Does It Cost?

There is no fee affiliated with this service.

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