Lab Specimen Tracking Systems

What Is It?

CBSB uses Lab Specimen Tracking Systems to track lab specimens. This computerized system can also be programmed to regulate temperatures and conditions of controlled environments.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Faculty who own research labs, their staff, and their graduate research associates are all eligible to use Lab Specimen Tracking System.

Where Can I Get It?

To request a new install of Lab Specimen Tracking Systems in your controlled environment, for general inquiries, or for troubleshooting, click "Request Help" in the upper right.

How Do I Use It?

CBSB IT will program Lab Specimen Tracking Systems to regulate controlled environments based on requirements provided. If these settings need adjusted, please submit a request.

How Much Does It Cost?

Installation of a Lab Specimen Tracking Systems instance starts at $10000/instance and can go up, depending upon requirements. There is no cost affiliated with maintenance.

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